Phoenix Molecular Designs is currently recruiting for a Phase 2 Clinical Trial designed specifically for patients living with breast cancer. Our unwavering dedication is centered on challenging conventional norms and elevating the standard of care.

This study is designed to test whether a study drug, PMD-026, in combination with fulvestrant has an effect on tumors in patients with breast cancer. Embracing a patient-centric philosophy, we have established three core principles; inclusivity, precision, and quality of life, to ensure the delivery of targeted treatments to those who need them most.


We’re here to support you every step of the way. We've teamed up with patient advocacy groups and health experts to break down barriers that have kept patients from joining clinical trials. To make things easier for you, we've simplified our resources, translated them into Spanish and Mandarin, and made them accessible in various formats, like videos and audio recordings. We know that a cancer diagnosis can feel overwhelming, so we want to give you all the tools you need to feel informed and confident about participating in clinical trials.



At Phoenix Molecular Designs, our goal is simple: to find the right treatment for you and it all starts with identifying the right patients. We've partnered with Roche to create a companion diagnostic (CDx) to help us do just that.

Early findings show that 70% of breast cancers, including those that have spread, exhibit activated RSK2. In a broader study, 79% of tumors across 14 different types also showed activation of RSK2.

In our Phase 2 clinical trial, we're looking for patients with high levels of RSK2 using our CDx assay. By pairing our drug with this diagnostic tool, we aim to speed up your journey to the most effective treatment, potentially improving your outcomes along the way.


Quality of Life

We are dedicated to you, our patients. For over a decade, we have made every decision with your care in mind. To highlight convenience, PMD-026 has been developed as a pill that can be taken in the comfort of your own home. We also know that cancer treatment can compromise self-confidence and recognize the relationship this can have with your treatment experience. With that in mind, we are proud to say that PMD-026 does not cause hair loss!

We actively involve patients living with breast cancer and their caregivers in our development processes, making sure your voices are heard and valued. What is important to you is important to us. We appreciate the dedication it takes for patients to join clinical trials as a way of potentially bettering their lives and those of other patients – we are all pioneers in this together.